Plastic pyrolysis converts plastic waste into pyrolysis oil, gas and residue.
Depending on quality of plastic waste, the typical yields from plastic pyrolysis are:
Pyrolysis oil : 50 to 80% - variable depending on the type and percentage of plastic present in plastic waste
Pyrolysis gas : 20 to 35% - variable depending on the type and percentage of plastic present in plastic waste
Pyrolysis residue : 3% to 30% - variable depending on ash content and soil content in the plastic waste
Wastewater : if there is moisture content in plastic waste, waste water will be generated.
All plastic waste is not the same. Depending on the source, the quality of plastic waste varies a lot with respect to plastic composition, moisture content and content of non-plastics. Variation in plastic waste quality results. in variation in pyrolysis oil quality and yield. APChemi's Pyrolysis Oil Purification Technology helps produce similar quality of PyOil even though the plastic raw material quality varies due to factors beyond control.
Pyro = Heat & Lysis = Breakdown.

Plastic Pyrolysis reaction involves the molecular breakdown of larger plastic molecules into smaller molecules of oil gas and carbon using heat. Pyrolysis is also known as thermal cracking, cracking, thermolysis, depolymerisation, etc. It can also be called catalytic pyrolysis when catalyst is used.

Q: What types of plastic waste is suitable for pyrolysis?
Post-Consumer Plastics
Municipal Solid Waste Segregated Plastics
Reject of Mechanical Recycling
Multi-layer Packaging
Mixed PET/PVC contaminated plastics

Steps involved in plastic pyrolysis:
Plastic waste shredding
Plastic waste drying
Plastic waste preprocessing to separate non-plastics
Pyrolysis Oil Distillation & Purification
Pyrolysis Oil Storage and Dispatch
Q: What are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for selecting plastic pyrolysis technology?
A: KPIs are:

1. Safety First: During the pyrolysis process, flammable materials are heated to an explosive temperatures. Slight negligence can lead to hazard and injury. We, at APChemi understand: Total Safety = Equipment Safety + Human Safety + Process Safety.
Unlike the most 'hot-pot type barbecue reactor technologies', APChemi offers standard pyrolysis plants for robust and safe pyrolysis.

2. Energy Efficiency: The energy efficiency of the plant decides the profitability of the pyrolysis operation. Energy recovery is an integral part of APChemi's Pyrolysis Plant. Highly energy efficient Pyrolysis Reactor designed by APChemi ensures maximum pyrolysis efficiency at the lowest possible temperature and heat load.

3. Feedstock Flexibility: APChemi's pyrolysis plant can process solids, semisolids, waxes, and liquids. You can process plastic, tire, biomass and waste oils - all in the same reactor. You can feed high-density raw material and low-density raw material. We understand that technology needs to be agile so as to accommodate variations in feedstock composition
Know more about APChemi's Plastic Pyrolysis Technology: